Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cooking with Mrs Poo - fasolakia

Mrs Poo whipped up a little something from the old country last week. It's not, you understand, that Mrs Poo has concerns that I am not looking after De Vere well enough, not at all.

Fasolakia is one of De Vere's favorites.

Mrs Poo finds it difficult to cook dinner for two so De Vere and I enjoyed beans with every meal for days. Even The Hounds enjoyed a side of fasolakia with their nightly meal. On that note please be advised that Mrs Poos' ingredient measurements are sketchy at best.

So with compliments from Mrs Poo it's;

...Boyle Manor Fasolakia...

String the beans and cut in halves

(or "remove the nerves" as Mrs Poo advises)

rinse and set the beans aside to drain.

using this much oil and this much onion

(Mrs Poo gives detailed instructions...)

lightly fry the onions in oil, till they look like this

add beans to hot Casserolle' of oil and onions mix beans through

add Special Seasonings and extra vegetables if desired.

Mrs Poo had green capsicum on hand this day.

Oh and that Special Seasonings of Mrs Poo?

Mrs Poo has a lifetime supply

(this belongs in the Continental Containers Museum)

add a glass of water, return lid and steam beans on a low heat

meanwhile deseed and crush a tomato or two

add crushed deseeded tomato and a little more water is needed

add more Special Seasonings to taste

water down Tomato Paste

add to the beans and cook at a slow simmer for another ten minutes


Audrey, Lady of The Manor.

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