Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fish Chips and Salata...

De Vere loves fish and Mrs Poo loves to prepare fish for De Vere. After a long week trudging into the office for De Vere, Saturdays are a day of lunching here at Boyle Manor. With fish often on the menu. Here is a recent fish lunch lovingly prepared by Mrs Poo.

after a light dust in plain flour Mrs Poo fries the fillets

till they are golden brown
the outside is crisp and the flesh is moist and tender

fish - chips and salad

hand peeled potatoes, blanched and deep fried.

Real Potato Chips!

Mrs Poo is a great cook and she has a great talent for turning
a simple salata into something special.

This salata consists of;

snow peas - fresh from the garden
cabbage, carrots and of course
Mrs Poos Salata Staples
onions, feta cheese, salt, olive oil and
lets not forget fresh herbs and dried oregano.

Audrey, Lady of The Manor.

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