Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day.. Can ya feel the love..??

Today is Valentines day. Here at Boyle Manor there has been no special delivery or breakfast in bed... Not even a mention of the occasion.

Here's why...

Many moons ago De Vere and Audrey set out to celebrate their very first Valentines Day.

Audrey had won tickets to a (very bad) Nicole Kidman movie insert title here. (take a guess.. any one you name will fit the profile - okay so I am not a fan)
Anyways, De Vere and Audrey met up in the city and proceeded to take their seats in the cinema.

Fifteen minutes into the movie De Vere leads over and whispers.."Lets go this is crap.." or word to that effect. Perhaps he is not a huge fan either. Audrey refused to go. Well, one it was the first time she had bothered to enter a completion and had actually won (along with the 500 others) and second if she starts something she likes to see it through. Perhaps she held out hope that it would get better. It didn't. Oh and the dinner reservation was rescheduled for after the movie - so we may as well suffer through it.

Things I guess were already not going so well.. lol.

They made it through the movie and drove a little out of the city for what would be their very first Valentines Day dinner.. De Vere had chosen a seafood restaurant and keeping with tradition (IE: the commercialism of calendered events like this... spend spend spend ) they ordered lobster.

A whole, lobster for De Vere and a half for Audrey. At this stage please let me remind you we are now looking at a 10PM serving time.. Very Late to eat.. Well that's half Audrey's excuse and shes sticking with it.

The meals arrive. For some unknown reason Audrey decided to sample the mashed potato on the side of the plate.. There was her second mistake. For it was not mashed potato but DEB WHIP.. A powered excuse - just add water type of mashed potato.. YUK. Audrey very much dislikes plastic food. So being the uptight mid twenty something that she was, at the time, she refused to eat anything else. The taste of the plastic potato mash had ruined her taste buds...
Poor old De Vere, not wanting to let his hard earned cash go to waste, then had to eat not only his own whole lobster but Audrey's half as well!
At that point De Vere turned to Audrey and stated, "I am never taking you out for anything special for valentines day again."
De Vere is a man of his word. To this day Audrey has not had the pleasure of a single rose or a whole bunch for that matter or a dinner out for Valentines Day again.

Happy Valentines just the same.

Audrey, Lady of The Manor.


jeanie said...

Oooh Nicole Kidman AND Deb - that is a mighty fine compilation for a memorable Valentine's Day!!

I have just come over through Bush Babe - very entertaining.

Jindivick Wildlife Care said...

Oh my - what a disaster! Thank you for all the wonderful comments you guys have been leaving over at Windy Hill. I am only now being able to catch up with everyone who visited while the fires were happening.