Monday, March 2, 2009

Crikey There's a Cane Beetle in my Park!

I am a country girl. I grew up in a very small town with two main industries Fishing and Sugar Cane. A lot of my childhood was spend keeping little black beetles as pets. I would keep one in an empty margarine container with six pieces of grass and a leaf.
Oh that sounds like such a sad childhood, it's not like I only had little black beetles to play with. They were just safer than the Bee I had kept for a short while. Housed in a brick pen with wire on the top and a spoonful of honey.
But I digress.
The little black beetles, to me, have always been known as a Cane Beetle. This would be because of the Sugar Cane fields we lived by, I guess.
I was more than a little surprised last week when I spotted this critter in the city. He aspired memories of long ago summers.

And he's not even a Cane Beetle; he's a...

Black Beetle

Audrey, Lady of The Manor.

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