Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Faces and More Junk Food...

I Love Kids Parties...
I really do. Usually I look forward to just stuffing self with whatever food is on offer. From fancy bbq to party pies. Count me in. I also like the commercial mega stores type as well. I am a non-judgemental, equal opportunist when it comes to junk food. That is the main reason I go.

I cry on the inside as mother's pack the lolly bags away and say things like. "This will go into the lolly jar." You just know that they will congeal into a colourful sugary mess before being tossed out in some pantry spring clean. sigh.

Are those thoughts like stealing candy from baby? Anyway this one was held at a mega commercial plastic food co-operation. There was wait staff to attend and disperse food stuffs and lolly bags.

This was the good outfit from the commercial eating place.

There were two lolly bag guards for our party. There was a fairy. Fancy hey. And a Girl Sailor. And not like an Annie type girl sailor either. However the junk food flowed, I loved it. There was a play area and the kids loved it. It was a love fest, as birthdays should be.
Square Pants Sponge Bob is big this year.
Or whatever his name is...
The birthday boy loved it, as did I.
I didn't get a lolly bag. I'm okay with that.

Audrey, Lady of The Manor.


jeanie said...

lol - my word verfication is heepho!

I am a mother of a kid who turns into a monster with too many lollies, so I steal hers!

Glad you had a good party.

To The Manor Boyle said...

Thanks Jeanie...

I'm glad you don't let the lolly bag go to waste.. lol