Thursday, February 26, 2009

Odd Shots!

I like to take photographs of well.. weird stuff.

De Vere loves it. Not. He may not do St Valentine's Day; He does do lots of holidays and special treats. So he can be suitably unimpressed when he has taken me on say an overseas holiday and I spend my time taking pictures of.. well weird stuff.

Like discarded Thongs.

Broken Thongs.

The Lost Thong.

De Vere was not amused and a little confused.
He had flown us both to The US of A. Ocean View.
I snap a shot of a lost thong, for my collection.

Old School Ring Pull.

This shot really blew his top! He was beyond confusion. .lol.
Taken at the same scenic Highway 101 stop.
We so seldom see this ring-can pull here anymore.

New Undies.

So I was glad De Vere was not with me to-day when I snapped this shot. A new pair of underwear that had blown off the sales table. Well you have to admit not is not everyday that you see undies laying on the footpath. Then as I point and shoot a woman, cleaning a chalk board, asked me.

"Are they yours?" motioning the undies.


"No." I replied, as I smiled and said, "I just like taking pictures of weird stuff."

Maybe De Vere has a point.

Polly wants a cracker;
With this!

Audrey, Lady of The Manor.

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